Please find below the working document with the September ice times. We wanted to get this out ASAP to ensure everyone can plan appropriately to secure gear and be ready to hit the ice. We have also let Wendy know from Fredericton Ringette Rentals - if you plan to rent gear this year and have not booked an appointment we recommend you do so very soon.
Additional information will be emailed to everyone this week as registrations for returning players close. In the meantime please reach out to us via email with any questions.
Please note: this schedule is subject to change. Please visit this page often and be assured we'll be sending out communications to you via email (using the email address(es) you provided when you registered your child).
thanks all, we're getting excited!!
SOTR = Shake off the rust (a non-mandatory ice time but recommended to attend to get back on the ice before evaluations start)